Poetree - progression in perfecting the process of being present

progression in perfecting the process of being present

2009-05-12 08.34.45.jpg
(Source: visionary alliances)

Every word yearns
to be a poem upon your lips,
kissed passionately into existence.
born to inspire the heart and the mind
to awaken and arise
in the magnificence of being alive.
soulfully present,
breathing into dreaming
heart knowing and all eyes seeing
the beauty and blessings,
the lessons and test,
in every single moment.
(Source: visionary alliances)

gracefully unfolding,
in your every thought,
destined to be a song,
delivered by the angelic aliens
flowing in arcadian rhythms from beyond.
solfeggian harmonics
ever expanding
the self-evident possibilities
of going with the flow...
adapting not reacting,
no longer trying to control...

*the waves of bliss..




the holy temple of the soul*

crystalline thought waters
infusing the gaian matrix,
cleansing the circuits of consciousness,
with loving forgiveness as a witness,
sharing a light that guides
every soul closer to source
mapping the passions
that determine the course
of the longest journeys
from the mind to the heart
so that each may seek to be the master of compassionately living life as art.

blessing each one
that teaches one
to reach for the one
that resides within.

evolve and spin
in an ever ascending
spiral to the heights,
spread your wings
trust and sing
the truth that has allowed you to take flight
from the darkness to the light!

(Source: google)

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