i am that, Love, i am

 i am that, Love, i am 

i am that, i am

i am that, love, i am

i am a force of nature

beyond your grasp

beyond control

in the mist of chaos

is where i find myself at home

reflecting the light rooted in the core of your soul

changing everything i see and touch

making your blood simmer and your cheeks blush

at the very thought of the rush

the hint of the inevitable crush

dissolving the illusion with the fires sparking from soul fusion

synergy begets union and liberates thought to fly

beyond reason, a season or a few lifetimes,

serpentine pathways define this lifeline

merging missions is our reason for living

in service to the geometric mystery

calling each one to surrender to their destiny

of being a living altar and an agent of earth's prayers

recognizing and calling forth the real co-creators

inspiring dreamers to become activators

we are the next 7 generations ancestors

called forth to participate in this shift of the ages,

ressurecting the phoenix of sages to spill their secrets

freestyling with the stars and beat boxing with the beat niks 

harmonizing the heart GPS to live and breath this

truth into being

there is more to this life then what your eyes are seeing

and your fingers touch

when the energy becomes too much

too contain and you can't help yourself or restrain

from testing to see if i am for real

if  i can feel the focus of your attention

making it too hot to mention

that this a test of wills to be present

surrendering to the unexpected

allowing and letting each moment be a blessing

i am here for now

learning the why and the how

of our collective being and breathing

growing and feeding this intense desire

for freedom to love

without chains, without attachment

learning to spiritually respond versus chemical reacting

to mentalities of fear and lack

as we share and distill our experiences into wisdom

our love grows stronger and our light radiates warmly from within

illuminating the shadows that innerchild plays in

can you make it rain again?

and cleanse away the pain of living from box to box

from poetry to hiphop i paint outside the boundaries that surround the mainstream

can you be my canvas? and let me paint your fears away

let my tears fall where they may

never contained yet forever eternally the same

i am a force of nature

i am that, i am

i am that, love, i am

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