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Poems from a Broken Heart - My Stars


Lifting tear-filled eyes
To infinite midnight skies
Searching for answers
Among the unforgiving stars
Who were once my allies...

Stars, many time I have gazed upon thee
Giving endless thanks for happiness
And for a genuine love
Manifested to reality.
Such warmth and comfort
I found in love's embrace,
Hoping the moment would never end
And vanish without a trace-
Tis my greatest fear.
Did my gratitude fall on deaf ears?
From the dreaded depths of possibility
My fear has come to be.

Torn emotions beg questions
Of why love has left me broken.
Silence is my stars' reply...
Prayers have been forsaken.

How dare they have me experience the love of a lifetime
That I've waited for, for so long,
Only to take it away in the end?
Leaving me alone... again.

My love, you and I always had the stars,
Gazing at them together, whenever there was a chance.
Time brought about unwanted change,
With distance that now separates us.
They shall be my eternal reminder
Of what once was,
But is no longer.
