So I found an old peom I wrote...

This is a peom I wrote to my wife shortly after we initially moved in together . We had just found out she was pregnant so she was freaking out a bit and I wanted to calm her nerves so I wrote her this peom.

Peaches & Cream

I wish that everything was always peachy.
That reality was as it seems,
But truth life still does teach me,
While fantasy lives in my dreams.

Of may things I'm still uncertain,
And no-one will ever know.
The fears I hide behind the curtain,
The fears I never show.

There's only one thing that completes me,
That gave me strength I never knew.
That lets me be all I can be,
And the secret is it's you.

You give me something to believe in,
The support I've never had.
Fresh air for me to breathe in,
And take away the bad.

Your the light that brings vision to my eyes,
The path that guides my soul.
My reason to keep standing up,
To achieve my goals.

But there's still one thing that bothers me,
It seems you simply cannot see...
Just how much I love you babe,
It's you that sets me free.

Congratulations - you have just read the first poem of mine I've ever let lose in the world.

It brought back alot of memories and also reminded me of how before I drew business plans and coded 24/7 I used to draw pictures and write poems and stories.
It also reminded me of how excited I once was to have a wife and family and how much hope I had for the future.

The sad part is I found this going through boxes to pack. I am now getting a divorce (nothing ugly - were just better as friends). We lost our child 15min after birth and never really recovered from it, we kept trying to act like we were fine when we were anything but - and that made us slowly grow further and further apart.

Even though we're not having a flamewar it's still pretty rough tearing two lives apart and only a few weeks ago I finally admitted that this was a situation that I was completely un-equipped to handle since none of my previous life skills or experience could be applied to it. I guess dusting this off poem brought me a little more closure.

Anyways hope you enjoyed it!

As always props to my top voters, you support is appreciated!

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