Lost But Fine

Trying to elude the feeling
like a shadow trying to escape the light
I know what it is
It knows what I feel
the fright that comes with pain
Sometimes with a gift of pleasures
Most times it's a nightmare
That pesters during the day
I run but it finds me
I hide, I conceal
I wear a mask
Still it discovers me
Exposes me like a vulnerable flower
plucking my petals mercilessly
devouring me like a deprived beast
thirsty for blood
All that's left for me is to embrace it
come face to face with it
subdue it by
calling on the courage of Joan of Arc
I hope the maiden of orleans will charge to my rescue
blessing me with her might
and her grace
wielding such bravery like a sword
raised up for battle with a cry
to send fright to terror's heart
I go all in to face and conquer
With the heart of a thousand men
I know who I am
I've got no fear


What Inspired The Write Up

Often times, we are faced with situations that warrants fear. We are face to face with fear. What we do not know is that fear is scared of us as much as we are of it. But it feeds on our fear to devour us. If we can bravely look the fear in the eyes and pass through it, I'm sure we'll ultimately get passed that state of fear.

You can do whatever, be whoever you want to be. Get past that fear.

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