Poetry: Inspiration

Good morning steeemit!


Yesteryears were gone along our journey,
You were my shelter, against storm and when it's rainy,
You were sun when my days were gloomy,
You were the shadow who stands with me when I'm in melancholy!

** No more days of me was empty,
Knowing you're always there beside me!
No more days of me was weary,
It's you who puts a smile when I'm feeling in despair in ...great agony!**

Thank you my love for being my inspiration!
You were the reason I have lived strong!
Together we face the the tests for our endeavor,
You were there to stay along though I sometime hardly carry on..

> ** A poem dedicated to my inspiration, my husband.. Sometime along our journey we face different struggles but knowing you're with someone who's with you to face it, you can carry on. No matter how strong this storm might be.. We will face it! For we know we are guided by our God! He will never forsake us! ** # To God be the Glory!

GOD BLESS Steemit!


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