To The Corrupt... 🌀 (An Original Poem)

I wrote this poem soon after delving through the rabbit-hole side-corridor called; the "NAME GAME." At first, I was very angry with those who have perpetrated this apparently tremendous deception. It took some time, and a great deal of self reflection and study, but today I am most greatful that the system currently works this way. If people won't "wake" themselves up, then as I did (and often still do,) they need an outside force to "awaken" them...


To the corrupted parts of our own selves. To the corrupt themselves, their proxies, and to everyone in the trap…     

Because it was my fault for letting you into my mind, and giving you time, 

I forgive you, and for the sake of our healing, ask you to read this rhyme…   

Down through the ages, your agents, not fully knowing what they do, 

Have created prisons of brick and words, in favour of you.   

The key words and clichés pour into my ego, and the narration soon starts, 

You know well what it does, takes me away from my heart.   

With this knowledge you play us, with immediacy and temptation, 

Not a Soul alive seems immune, to this wretched manipulation.   


Though satiation as a rule, can never be achieved, 

Over and again, you play it, and yet we still don’t perceive.   

Layers on layers, this constructed reality is so thick, 

Where everything I do, is starting to feel like a trick.   

Aha! Nu?!   

But the word prisons are yours, just as they are mine, 

They are deeper then ads, or law, they reach into Our Mind.   

This is why I know, that you can hear what I say, 

And why everything, for everyone-everywhere, will change as of this day…   

Millions of corporate rules, you say I must know,  

Laughingly having the nerve to demand, that I pay as I go?   


What benefit do I get, for playing your game? 

For registering myself as property, and using that NAME?   

What do I get for working ‘till five? 

When I know money is not what keeps me alive?   

Fake paper bailouts for friends, to the tune of trillions, 

Starving people around the world, the agony and death of millions.   

You’ve told every lie in the book, and served them on silver, 

You’ve fed my ego, and for years, I didn’t care to see you deliver.   

You’ve held back our technology, and made politics a mess, 

You’ve trampled on freedom, while saying we’re blessed.   

You govern our minds, bodies and even our spirits, 

What more can you want, when all is yours to inherit?   

Nu… But everything is not as it seems, you and I both know, 

For tomorrow is coming, even if, we cannot let go…   

So let Us make certain, that this next point you hear, 

Take notice of the cause of your actions, the thing that you fear…   

It starts  “B”Reishit,” “In The Beginning,” or in the Vesica Piscis of 2 circles, which you claim as your own, 

The energy and Love in Creation, you’ve hidden, reshaped, or tried to make us disown.   


It’s the One force of the universe, that we can definitely see, 

And you want to cleverly take it away from me?    

Electric, Transcendent, greater than you or I could ever conceive, 

Yet you think I won’t notice because I’m blind, and you deceive?   

Love and Growth are so true and all pervasive,

They’re in matter and spirit, and why I hope these words, persuasive.   

This Force is more powerful then anything you can create, 

And no matter your actions, will never deviate.   

As you can tell by your epic and continual fight, 

You cannot hide it, or anything, from the proverbial Light.   


Notice that the Evolution of Man, cannot be stopped, 

And that Truth takes root, whether you like it or not.   

This is not a theory of creation, or something to debate, 

This is GOD in WE I declare! Why does that make you irate?   

You’ve sacrificed our Sages and true leaders, yet we still hear their words. 

Their blood and hearts were poured out, but not for your world.   


Meditate on their inspiration and ideas, and see what you’ve done. 

See how you’ve only slowed us, that your fight can’t be won.   

The spirit of their messages will not weaken, nor ever go away,  

Not least when you’ll finally honour them, and see things their way.   


But at the moment when you finally feel it, and see, 

When you unlock the cage and let us, and yourselves free,   

Watch how we’ll flourish, in every way, 

Watch how we’ll spiral, as the universe wants to display.   

Imagine the rewards Together We’ll Create, 

“The World to Come,” right now, in the present state!   

Watch how we’ll forgive each other for what we have done, 

Because it’ll then be We, who know, We are ONE…   


In honour of the transcendent messages and lives of the great Sages and of our true leaders and teachers, and for those who know we can always be more than we are…  


Other Original Poems;

Melech מלך ben Chaya, @inphiknit 

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