I Just Want My Childhood Back - Poem

Ahh! I still remember those days
When I was a kid and use to say
“I wanna grow up and become a man”
“ So that I can drive my father’s van”

Now I am young and on my own
But I cry why have I grown?
Those days were really great
Feels like it was yesterday

Waking up and going to school
On the bicycle, trying to be cool
With the friends playing “Simon Says”
Those days just passed away

Visiting Grandma during summer breaks
Still miss those tasty pancakes
Grandpa’s farm was full of crows
Life gets tough when a person grows

Dressing up on Halloween
As a Dark King or Magic Queen
On Christmas, getting a lot of gifts
Now life is all about profits

Chilling out and eating French fries
That was the best part of life
Memories make me really sad
I just want my childhood back


Hope you guys will like it : )


M Imran

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