[POEM] - Groggy Morning | A Steemit Poem


I can hardly get back to sleep,
so I'll write something instead,
may early morning's inspiration
ready my body again for bed.

I'll probably get caught up in
radio shows while consuming caffeine.
Until I feel remotely awake enough,
I'll be staring sleepily at the screen.

Sure, the Sun may now be rising,
but that's no excuse to be awake.
Writing groggy morning poetry for Steemit
feels like I'm drowning in a wordy lake.

Being up too early is not so easy,
when your rhymes lack full charge.
You may accidentally break word law,
and cause your poetry to live at large.

Combine ideas with utmost care,
Good literature yields to caution,
It's always the best of the ideas,
that are a wonder to be awash in.


If you like poetry, why not check out some of my content for some inspiration.

Here ya go, enjoy!

Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega
7 - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion
8 - Kiss Goodnight
9 - Antique Jewelry Box
10 - Offering to the Seas
11 - Mary-Jane's Trees Shade my Day
12 - Darkness Allure

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