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Lyric Poetry Contest 29th Edition /Amor telúrico

Amigos en Steemit:

Agradeciendo a la cordial invitación que me hiciera @evagavilan para participar en Lyric Poetry Contest 29th Edition, organizado por @felixgarciap, dejo mi ejercicio poético para su consideración

Miren las bases del concurso aquí, por si ustedes quieren participar.

Friends on Steemit:

Thanking the cordial invitation that I made @evagavilan to participate in Lyric Poetry Contest 29th Edition, organized by @felixgarciap, I leave my poetic exercise for consideration

Look at the contest rules here, in case you want to participate.

Mi anhelo flota en el oscuro universo de tu ser.

Atraído por el color de la tierra que es piso, es piel y es cáscara,
merced al infinito ritornelo del polvo inicial, el que todo contuvo.

Eres, como para Helena, el destierro de la pena y los pesares.

Asiento del oráculo, espanto de la noche.

compañero insustituible, sustancia parlanchina.

Amo tu cuerpo, tu potencia cinética, tu alertado espíritu, tu calor perfecto.

No tienes sucedáneos, ansiado etíope, trigueño adorado.

My longing floats in the dark universe of your being.

Attracted by the color of the earth that is floor, is skin and is shell,
thanks to the infinite rhythm of the initial dust, which contained everything.

You are, as for Helena, the banishment of grief and sorrows.

Oracle seat, horror of the night,
irreplaceable companion, talkative substance.

I love your body, your kinetic power, your alert spirit, your perfect heat.

You have no substitutes, long-awaited Ethiopian, adored brunette.
