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"Str8 Poz" a Godmode Fantastic poem


I'm not much of a poet, but I figure this could be mentally rejuvenating. I've been HIV+ a little over a year now. They offer council, but I'd rather not. Not my scene...

"Str8 Poz"

I have HIV.
It doesn't itch like the other ivy.
Nor am I poison.
I'm like John Cena, "U Cant See Me".
Undetectable status.
I take my meds.
But I'm too paranoid to lay in your beds.
Id rather not disclose in reality.
Never know what goes on in society heads.
Having to explain, " I'm not gay."
And "I don't use needles".
They're like " Hmm, that doesn't make sense..."
Yellow Submarine.
