Best friends

When you reopen the old note you almost forgot I realize how much you mean A friend who supports my every move When I fall, I sink, you are always there When I'm happy, I almost forget you

This award is beautifully painted deep in my heart
It has its own frames on each side
Represents your beautiful smiles for me

Time seemed so fast
I'm afraid of reality
Farewell brings sadness ..

Do not ever forget me
Memories of our day
Where is laughter and jokes
Adorn the beauty of our teen ..

Will you remember me ..
Although I asked my smile ...
You are a gift ...
The most beautiful grace God has given me
You are the one who is always there
And I'm horrified ...

I do not want to lose you ...
I do not want to rein in you ...
I just want to have someone who is always there on
my side ...
I want to be the only person ...
That can make you happy

If I can fly to the sky ...
I'm taking you to the moon
I'll get a star up there
Give them to you, then you'll know that ...
I love you…

Because friendship means so much
I pray that you,
I will always keep this friendship ...
Whenever ...
I will always keep you in my memory
And keep it good ...

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