

Do you hear the cry of that little one?
Children wailing in agony,
Wishing for their Mama.
Hungry ones running around
Looking for a piece of dried bread
To salvage their hunger.
Thirsty ones limping back and forth,
Looking to a cup of water
To wet their throat.
Do you see the pain you cause
While you sit on your chair
Waiting on them with a long whip?
Are they human to you,
Or just bodies to be controlled?

Do you hear the cry of that girl?
That wide eyed innocence
With full breasts and curved buttocks,
Taken from her Mama’s care
And forced to marry too young.
You’re supposed to be a father to her.
People see and regard you as one.
But you sneak into her room after dark,
To molest and control
To touch and take what isn’t yours.
Do you see the pain you cause
When you hold a knife to her throat?
Is she human to you
Or just a body to be controlled?

Do you hear the cry of that boy?
A child barely out of boyhood,
Snatched from his bed at night,
His untouched projects forgotten,
His food left for molds to finish.
He misses his father’s stories
And his friends’ laughter.
He carries them with him
As he shoots his first rifle
And hide to ambush the enemy.
Do you see the pain you cause
When you point a gun at him?
Is he human to you
Or just a body to be controlled?

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