Back On The Road Again!


The darkened skies rumble overhead
Dark waves ride the night
A Darkness seems to descend
Cloaking all in nothingness

I've been playing with it
Locked away in a third-floor flat
Unable to move, unable to breathe
Gasping for non-urban spaces once again

Feeling unwanted, feeling disliked
Perceived as a 'terror' by the terrorized
As if I were the abusive source of it all
The fucking 'devil' himself!

But now I make my move
I slip out into the night
A fresh night, where stars abound
And the moon smiles silverly

Beloved, loyal Flame by my side
Ever accepting of her barging human
Ever ready for an adventure on the high seas
Or - more realistically - on new green fields

Nothing may come of this in practice
Just yet, however...
Seeds have been sown, watered
Just wait a little longer....soon, soon!

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