Letter to My Lover

Dear Lover,

While I was younger, I feared I'll journey across the earth without finding the one who holds the key to my heart

My heart was shrouded in anxiousness until you came around


Your words melted my soul, your smile disarmed my fear

We bounded with an everlasting robe, eternally beyond the shores of stars

Let the birds carry the message of our love on their wings to faraway land and show the ancients true love truly exist

Our souls entwined as the earth to waters

Two hearts with the same thing in mind,

You're mine and I'm yours, forever we'll build castles in the sky and see our lofty dreams

You've been a blessing to me since we met, my knight in shinning armour

Let the wind bare the tales of our love, let the sun bless out path

Let the tale of our love be told through generations, this love will carry us through time

Has we grow in years, our love will become stronger, nothing will set us apart

Let the rain shower blessings from above, you are mine and I am yours

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