A Writter's Dilemma (Original Works)

A Writer's Dilemma

I love to write her name,
On every poems and lines,
In hope for her,
To finally be mine.

I love to write her name,
Spelled with utmost attention,
In hope for her,
To realize my affection.

And I love to write her name,
Though my days are blue,
In hope for her,
To have a clue.

But I know,
This page might be teared,
And this ink will dry,
Yet I will still write your name,
In hope for me — to know your answer.


By Adam Luqman (original works)

Sometimes in life, we tend to believe something is true just because we are entitled to the thing. And one sided opinion is always unfortunate at the of the day

Art of poetry is beautiful yet undervalued.

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