Original Poem: "The Dark Door of Hope"


“The Dark Door of Hope”

In my dream, I here ruction everywhere -
But I see only darkness in front of me
A never ending fight is going on,
A never ending Dispute...
The birds have forgotten to sleep at ningt
They cry and sing - “Make it right!”
The sun rises in anger, breaking my dream
I wake up and hear ruction everywhere -
See only darkness in front of me.
I wonder who will sing us the song of hope?
We live in a world where brother kills brother
We live in a world where son rapes his mother
Who is gonna welcome the light of the day?
Where the souls and minds covered in the shades of gray?
I wake up and knock on the dark door forever closed -
I call for an angel who will sing the song of hope
I pray and hope that one day the door will open,
One day I will see the true daylight, and the darkness is taken...

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