
Traveling through the series of times gone by
So loving in the heart it may reside
That those days are but over
To open a new page I am to discover;
Those exquisite memory
A fabulous experience
Cherishing moments and life of school

Starting from the awful tune from kindergarten
Tears flowing from the eyes like a maiden at teen
Gazing at mom's eyes she bids the daily good bye
But to make the house be at peace I have to stay by
Learning nothing but the foundation of love from others
Quicken heart to see the beautiful face of my mother
And the sweet care of my father

A little confident now and lot of confident
As I advance in to higher classes
Little experience of how the world function
Older faces in attendance I'd say
But in mind kindergarten remains lay
Old enough not to cry but shiver
Still never had with back out a dinner

Bye to the primaries now to secondary
A whole new world much experiences
More matured no kid stuff
Learn to prank the teachers
Got grounded by parents
Stage to dare
Stage to make correctable mistakes

Now bye to the secondary or high school as you may call it
Bereaved of the slightest idea of life at tertiary
To be called 'JJC', but for a little time
But never spent with discouragement a dime
Starting to blend in
Joining clubs in college
Trying to belong become adventurous
Become creative and have a plan of future
Making regrettable mistakes
Finally bye bye to the fun
Become a man of knowledge with much understanding

But on I went without looking back
Words of encouragement never to lack
With my lecturers, the rigid support in the ladder of success
I have been whelmed with the capacity to show my prowess

Starring at this new leave of my life
To have a remarkable record on this immaculate leave,I have to strive
In know in my palms my destiny lies
The outcome of this stage shall tell me what to write without lies

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