“Sublime Serenity”


A blinding light struck my sight like it was the first time
I never felt this surge of emotions ever since that day
A day when dreaming comes naturally and it’s overflowing
A day when everything seems freedom is within my reach

We are meant to go beyond what we imagined for ourselves
Taking advantage of the will to make things happen
Filled with a bounty of strength to help you succeed
A life that makes us feel the warmth of a rising sun

There’s a feeling of coldness in my arms
A thought that prevents me from going further
The instinct that puts me into safety
A safety that brings me further to my dreams

There’s no beauty to tomorrow if we don’t accept the past
Every memories, no matter how hurtful, is a precious treasure to keep
Lend me your ear so I can whisper the wisdom from my past
“Let your heart decide in every step that you make…”


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