"Shed Light"


A point in my existence reminds me of the painful journey
I can’t seem to find the words to describe it
Getting rid of the darkness that I carry throughout the years
Allowing myself to be immersed in an eternal wandering

Life has always been good to me
It wasn’t as perfect as I dreamed it to be
But it’s the life that was given to me as a blessing
It’s the kind of life that makes me wonder about the future

We are all destined for something beyond our expectations
Craving for success that may never come our way
Listening to every whisper that creeps into a sleeping soul
Invigorating my passion for achieving something greater

We light our way because nobody will
To make things happen would mean losing one’s freedom to choose
It takes just a simple endeavor to make everything work
Let our light shine as we walk on this path that we created…


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