"Make Change"


We exist for a reason that we may not know for a moment
Every life is connected to another in a chain that we don't see
Tangled along an invisible path crossing each other
We will meet at some point through this journey

A thought that is as clear as a crystal
Flowing like falls in this deep thinking that I got myself into
Wishing that it will lead me to a shallow stream that I can control
Allowing me to dive slowly until I feel the comfort

When did I start making this downturn of swirling turns?
A moment when my life started going down a path without a goal
Understanding a life that doesn't have a future is daunting
It scares me to think that this life will end without achieving my dreams

Will you ever find the peace that you are looking for?
Making this journey worthwhile and worthy to be relive
Pretending that nothing makes until something made sense
It's the sign that I've been yearning, a moment to make a change.


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