So Long, The End is Near-A 6-Year Highschool Journey

My long journey in Highschool is nearing its end. Come 4th of April, I will officially be a graduate of Mandaue City Comprehensive National High School. Throughout the six years I have been in this school, I have gathered precious memories. Memories that will haunt me forever in a good way. Memories that will serve as things to look back on. This poem was made by our class top 1 and depicts what our lives were as Science, Technology and Engineering students.

A Class Memoir

By: Catherine Ortega

Scared to make a mistake
It all seemed hard to make
I choose this path to take
Now my future is at stake

I was falling in line
Saying to myself, "it's fine"
With fidgetting hands I looked
At everyone who also took

We're all of the same age
We're all of the same traits
We're all of the same mind
We're all in the same flight

White, dark and tan
Tall, short, slim and fat
Chinky and rounded
Noisy and quite
Like a weird mix of species

At the corner of the box
Sat a lady like a fox
My hair flew I tried to fix
But she suddenly blurted,
"What have you learn in grade six?"

I've learned about fraction
I've mastered subtraction
I know all planets are nine
I know how to measure a line

Little did I know
It was the start of it all
Like a flower blooming
In summer showing it's beauty and color

"My name is"
"I am from"
"I am 12 years old"
"Please be good to me"

White, dark and tan
Tall, short, slim and fat
Chinky and rounded
Noisy and quite...

And now here we are
In the twefth stage
Of this game like level
Not knowing how to stop
Not wanting it to end

I would surely shed a tear
When it happens, the time I fear
This family I've had for six years
Will truly be missed, MY DEARS!


Truly it has been such a wonderful ride. The friends, the teachers, the groupworks and dance practices, the arguments, the class getting scolded, the infatuations, the unity. My class has been a great one because of my classmates and teachers who have helped in molding us into who we are now. We were a family. No... We ARE a family. We have been through ups and downs but we ultimately made precious memories throughout it all. Thank you, Tulip, Adelfa, Blue Jay, Eagle, Cherry, Apple, Diamond, Ruby and most of all, ACAD S1.

This is it for now guys! Follow me @legendavid03 for more stuff.

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