Love Poem - 7


I asked to God when I met you

Are you the one who love me true?

I pray to God to tell me who

And He guide me to find it's you.

I am happy to be with you

I thanks to God that He gave you.

I feel so blessed that I met you

Give me a prove that love is true.

I do love you, I know it's true

And I believe, God gave me you

Take care my heart and love so true

Even you're far away to do.

I really feel your loving care

Even I didn't see you here.

I know your heart is so sincere

To make me feel your always here.

And now that came our monthsary

I pray to God make us happy

Guide us along through this journey

Stay strong and make it long.

I know our love was forever

And God help us to make it real

Cause we are here, sweet together

And we are made for each other.

Thanks For Taking Time To Go Through My Post @jackorobin


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