a mistress love

How long are you willing to fight for your love?
What if the person you love is already belong to someone else?
How much pain can you endure?

There was a girl, young, fragile and naive.
Her body and mind is still fresh from everything. At her age, she still believes in a saying "in your ordinary day, love can make a fairy tale" to her life.
She believes in the "ideal man" thing she created from her day dreaming.

Shes never been hurt, until she met this man who showed to her that there is no such thing as "fairy tale".
He is Gil. He is a matured man with a strong personality. A supervisor in a logistics company. He is good in talking, handling people, funny and a good advisor.
When he met her, he got attracted. He likes the beauty in front of him. He tried to win her as a "challenge" to himself.
He has no idea, that the girl hes taking as a challenge is a girl who only knows to trust 100%. To love 100%.

He got the girl, and transformed her into a woman.
At first everything is perfect. Until the day that Gil is already done with his "challenge" and now he needs to go back to his reality. to his wife.

The woman doesnt know about the "wife"
She only felt something is wrong. So she put extra effort in the relationship. She gave all the love she could give. Even the love for her own self and family. Even the love for her God. But still its not enough. Shes already feeling taken for granted.
Until she found out the truth. Shes feeling the pain she never imagined. Shes hurt, betrayed.. in a deep agony. She wanted to die.
Why her, she love Gil more than anything else. She beg to him, for the first time in her life, she degrade her self worth just for this love. She asks him to come back, to have some pity on her. She knelled down and beg.
Gil tried again even though he knows he should not.
The thing is, the feeling of agony, self disrespect and being unlove is already eating her. She also felt guilty knowing shes hurting an innocent woman with her kids..
Until one day, shes crying so hard while talking to him and she asks... "Do you ever love me? even just a little love?"

Hes answer...

Now she knows.......Its time to let go...

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