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Why Happy?

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They say happiness is contagious
That's for sure
It spreads faster than any virus and fades away quicker than any smoke
Was life meant to be a happy journey?

The world is a place for survival of the fittest
The happier you are, the easiest your journey
Sad people are said to have high blood pressure at their earlier stage
Does it means that happy people live longer?

If a woman is happy, they'll give glory to the husband
But when a man is sad, people will say hurry words to his wife
What a world of difference
Does it means that the wife is his only source of happiness?

One could be happy because of what he or she sees
Others may be happy because of what they feel
What a world of difference
Whichever situation you find yourself, don't worry and be happy because there's always better days ahead.

#Happy Sunday to you