The Importance of Journaling: Episode 283


We might not often stop to marvel at the pen and paper, except if we’ve ever been deprived of them. With these humble tools that we might often take for granted, we have the power to explore our own motivations and goals, perhaps even ones previously hidden from us.

When we begin to journal, we enter the potential of our own minds, acting as cartographers to map out the areas which we have already visited, but not understood. If we have suffered, we can reveal the internal causes of that suffering, discovering the reasons for interpreting an even the way we did, and how they caused our emotional reactions.

Within our own experience, we have access to a grand wealth of information, greater than the most extensive encyclopaedia, perhaps even than the Internet. By picking up a pen, we can, over the course of a few simple pages, quickly clarify whatever has been a problem, and transmute it into wisdom that will last for our lives and become part of our legacy.

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