How can we take step on all the suggestion in this #pobstreet

We had discussions about some amazing topics everyday here and definitely there had been nice suggestions. But to implement such suggestions need a alot of community efforts, developments and funds. I think the first step is to keep these informative and knowledgeable discussions going, keep the POB brains working. Right now it's very important to keep POB growing and making it a strong community, once it had a strong foundation then definitely all important suggestions can be implemented, as its is said, Rome was not built in a day, we learn the same from Leofinance too, its the oldest and strongest Hive Community, but they had built a strong foundation first and now how well they are coming with new projects almost every month. First we all need to become better and stronger at individual level also to contribute in POB development. Any Important suggestion and improvement can be brought into Team leaders attention at POB discord server and we can come up with a post. For example there could be a #pobstreet summary post each Sunday, highlighting all important suggestions discussed in a week so that other users and top leaders can give there feedback and any desired further roadmap can be planned.

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