ANIMALS | POBphotocontest

Very interesting #POBPhotocontest this week and contest topic is ANIMALS. I love to share some animals' photos in this contest. I captured these photos during my wildlife exploration and birding trip to Margalla hills, Islamabad. My first picture is of Yellow-throated Marten and it is very special for me as these are very allusive and hard to find in wild. I luckily captured this beautiful animal while birding in Margalla hills. I was very well camouflaged so they detected me a bit late that is why I got few seconds to capture these photographs.

Capturing a wolf in Morning is also a rare moment. I captured this wolf during travel to Malam Jaba area. This wolf got stuck in front of our jeep as it could not find a way to run. The other pictures of Mongoose family taking sunbath during a sunny day. They have adopted to live near urban area as I captured this family during morning walk in a nearby park.

Sharing few other interesting pictures of animals like mouse as it was busy in eating food so I could get some close shots. Next animal photo is of Squirrel, another domestic animal living around our house. They are very acrobatic and are mostly found doing some thing interesting. My last picture of this post is of a small python sighted along road side. Hope pob community would like these photographs and also comment some feedback. Thanks


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