Focus on yourself


We worry so much about things that don't worth it like what people will say about us, how we can compete with a friend of ours just because we want to be better and we want people to see us better and for this reason alone some people are even living another man's dream not theirs. The truth about life is that people's opinions will always have one or two impacts on our life and we can relate to that simply when going out and looking for what to wear.

Now we are living our lives based on other people's opinions, we are competing financially with those that have higher power than us and because of this we are constantly sad and there is no room for happiness, we always think about what we don't have, what people might say and in this process, we forget ourselves and our dreams.

You see, most people have their own life challenges and most people don't have time to think about another person except themselves but some of us are there thinking and the truth of the matter is you are on your own because no matter how much you try to impress anybody if something should happen to you or your finances you will face the problem alone and nobody really care.

We have forgotten to love ourselves and prioritize our happiness, and instead of us facing acceptance from people or their opinions we can simply put all those energy into building ourselves and live our own life.

Self love is important and it makes is accept who are and focus on growth not what people are saying and understand that you owe yourself everything.

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