Invacio ICO Offers Consolation to Cheated PLX Token Holders

In light of the recent charges filed against Plexcoin by the SEC and the freezing of all Plexcoin assets, fintech startup Invacio has pledged to compensate the investors burned by the fraudulent ICO.

One of many thousands who invested and lost money in Plexcoin’s ICO, Invacio founder and CEO William West has generously offered replacement tokens to all those caught up in the Plexcoin scam.

500,000 INV have been set aside for distribution to those wishing to exchange their now valueless PLX for Invacio’s own token, which will become available at the launch of the Invacio ICO. Every Plexcoin customer will be eligible for a maximum of 100 tokens. No financial exchange will be necessary to claim the INV tokens.

According to Invacio’s vision statement, the company has worked more than five years on a technology that applies their ground-breaking machine learning, artificial neural network and multi-agent system AI to the world’s most comprehensive catalogue of up to the minute and historical data of its kind:

“Invacio’s vision is to leverage the entire wealth of available data by pairing it with next generation Artificial Intelligence to deliver real-time analysis, forecasts, and actionable information for businesses and individuals. We intend to enable everybody to make, timely, profitable and ethical decisions in areas as diverse as finance, investing, marketing, logistics, sales, health, agriculture and corporate planning.”

You can take advantage of this offer from Invacio by visiting

“Getting these scam coins off the markets should be considered a priority by all,” West Insists. “When the offer closes Invacio will hand the keys over to the SEC via their communication point, to do with as they see fit.”

“Our company will also greatly benefit from this offer of compensation as it’s an opportunity for us to gather valuable feedback on our signup systems from people who are already familiar with cryptocurrency investments. The process will enable us to enter pre-sale having conducted the best possible live test of our systems. It’s very unfair how people lost money to Plexcoin, and the least Invacio can do is give a little back: to do so is in the spirit of our company’s founding principles.”

In early November Invacio addressed the United Nations (ESCAP) on the use of their multi-agent system AI for the ethical generation of wealth and the administration of disaster situations. Their upcoming ICO is intended to raise the funds required to launch a company designed to make a real difference to people’s lives.

Invacio is a multitude of products or solutions built to scale around multiple avenues with a vision of transforming some of the world's most important industries through the use of Artificial Intelligence.

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