
Moritz von Schwind
Die Plejaden (The Pleiades)

The 🌙 moon has left the 🌌 sky,
The Pleiades are flown,
Midnмight is creeping night,
And I am still alone.
Ah me! how long, how long
Are all these weary 😮‍💨 hours!
I hate the night-bird's 🐦 song
Among the Lesbian 🌹flowers.
I hate the soft, sweet breeze
That 💫comes to kiss my hair
From oleander trees
And waters💧🌊 cool and fair.
My heart❤️ is fierce and wild;
The winds should rave and moan.
Ah! why is Nature mild When
I am here alone? While yet the silver 🌝 moon
Rode o'er the laughing sea 🌊 ,
My heart 💜 was glad, for, "Soon,"
I said, "he comes to me."
But when its placid sphere
Slid swiftly 'neath the wave,
I sighed,
"He is no There.
Be brave, my ♥️ hearts, be brave!"
Then for an age of woe,
Of doubts and hopings vain,
I watched the white stars ⭐️ snow On yon Ægean plain.
I named them by their names Alcyone, and all Those far and happy flames 🔥
On which we mortals call. "Ere that one sets,"
I said,
"My soul shall swim in bliss;"
And then,
"Ere that is fled My lips 👄 shall feel his 💋 .
" The moon has left the Pole,
The Pleiades are flown;
'Tis midnight🕛in my soul,
And I am here alone!
A Night in Lesbos
George Horton 1797-1883

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