Splinterlands - SPS or Cards

As a Splinterlands player, as of now I am in a great dilemma to increase my cards level by buying those or buy SPS and stake it. Both of them has its own benefit and thus whatever you choose will help you in future.

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Buying Cards

Being a card game, buying cards and increasing the level should be the priority because that can help you to win games and in turns help you get more SPS and rewards. Say if you are playing in the Silver and wanted to play in the Gold league you can get to the Gold league by increasing your CP. But you might not be able to win more games if you do not have good cards or if you do not have a higher level cards.

So the plan should be how to increase the levels of summoners as well as increasing the levels of individual cards which are good cards. Because when you increase the level of good cards, those cards becomes more nice to play and that can help you to win matches.

Buying SPS

No one can deny the fact that owning SPS and a lot of it is actually great to have. With the new changes your playing on the league depends on how much SPS is staked in your wallet. Also there are some events happens which will give you some cards exclusively from SPS only. And then there is rewards for staking the SPS.

As of now the price of SPS seems to be on a lower side but again we know that once the bull market kicks in, the situation can be quite different. The SPS price can break out and it can help you to have your portfolio increase like anything.

So yeah when you have a budget constraint then you actually think about going with one of them like buying Cards or Buying SPS. If buying both is feasible then it's quite good. But if it's not feasible then you have to choose between the two.

In my case, buying SPS is more feasible than buying the cards. This is because increasing cards can be expensive too as we have to buy lot of cards. But in case of SPS we know that buying SPS and staking have a great benefit, not only now but in the future too.

As of now the price of the SPS is less and getting a lot of it now is a feasible option. But when the price increases, then getting a lot of SPS will require a lot of capital. And this buying in small quantity now and continuing buying it would be great for your Splinterlands portfolio.

In my case I have staked more than 5.2K SPS and have a target of 7.5K by the year end. I know it might not be a lot for a lot of players but for me slowly getting there to have a good portfolio in Splinterlands.


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