Propagation - Greenhouse update

Two weeks ago I moved a baby to the fountain and I remember that you could barely tell there was a plant budding at the base of the leaf.


The plant has grown to the same width as the leave that sprouted it in just two short weeks. It has even caught its first meal.

You can see the bug stuck to the leave on the right. It also looks like there are maybe three other little plants trying to grow around the bigger one. one behind the leaf that caught a bug, and another two in the foreground.

I had noticed the new growths until I went to upload the picture for this post. The large leaf that sprouts these baby plants is only about the size of your thumbnail. I guess my reading glasses may need to be renewed, because I did not see the tiny babies around the one with four leaves.


Elsewhere on the fountain there is another baby whose parent leaf is whithering behind it now. This one would look like a full grown plant if it were not for the reference points, the gnat on its leaf and the big white guitar pick that somehow fell into place for context.

The thing about a macro shot, is that it is difficult to get all subjects in focus. The pic was not what I was looking at when I focused. The baby pinguicula was.

All its leaves are shiney and full of tenuals with the sticky dew that traps the insects.

I just care for these wonderful little plants until they are big enough for sale. The plant stores have several of each type on display, but since winter is upon us, the need for carnivorous plants is not very high. But at this rate, I will have a huge stock of bug-eaters in September when people are looking to control gnats and moth intruders.

This greenhouse is really just a green-closet due to the size of the apartment I live in. The unrealistic lime green tint that some of my photos have is due to the high pressure sodium bulb that I use. Some think I am using filters but that is not the case. I will have to showcase the lighting, ballast, and pumps I use to keep fresh air going to the more sensitive droseras and the plants that must be in quarantine.

Some need high humidity when they are small, and ziplocks do the trick. Everything is on a timer but they still get my attention on a regular basis.


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