In my almost 9 years of teaching I've gained lots of experiences and skills.

During those years I've honed my creativity and skills in using Microsoft office.

I've used this skills in my teaching. Creating programs, documents and certificates.

I've realized that with my talents and skills why I think my worth were not compensated that much..

Working overtime just to finish work related documents but then I felt that I've never been appreciated even I work hard.

I love to teach and create manuals and materials for teaching, but then sometimes I'm asking myself is it worth it.

It's not only the salary but then me being a human. I've asking myself what is my worth? I have skills, I almost know to the works but still I never felt appreciated. Something is still missing and I don't know why.

If I will have a chance I will try to find that something trying new job. A job that appreciate my skills and talents.

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