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How to plagiarise to your hearts content and make money on Steemit! A step by step guide...

Here's a quick, step-by-step guide on how YOU can start making money TODAY with almost no effort and a reckless disregard for the integrity of the platform and the efforts of all those pesky, hard-working authors out there.

This guide was inspired by @okean123 who, as you can see, seems to have perfected the method:

Step 1:

Locate random, shitty spam advert, article or slideshow (these can be found at the bottom of many of your favourite web pages)

Step 2:

Be sure to use a painfully click-baity title when creating your post, but try to avoid using the original article title word for word.

Step 3:

Regurgitate the lousy, meaningless spam articles and adverts. Consider adding a few original lines of text, that way you add to the illusion that the content is your own. Briefly describe the subject matter and say how it made you feel.
(Remember to keep the posts image-heavy, as the established plagiarism bots cannot detect this as easily.)

Step 4:

Make sure you tag your bullshit, unoriginal rip-off post with #photography, #art and the other popular tags which tend to foster high-quality content for good measure, so as to attract the attention of the right whale bots.

Step 5:

Congratulations! You've just completely ripped off someone else's spammy content that no-one had any real interest in reading in the first place and masqueraded it as a genuine attempt at blogging.

Now you simply sit back and watch the fruits of your labour as those delicious Steem dollars roll in.

Bask in the euphoria of getting paid for being a scumbag by oblivious whale bots and mindless minnows desperate for a slice of the curation-reward-pie from a potential trending post. Simple as that!

Oh, and one more thing. Make sure you include an image source. This adds a sneaky extra layer of credibility as you are pseudo-admitting that the content is not your own. But, that's ok. Because when you include a source for original work, plagiarism is A-OK.

Thanks for reading!

If you found this article helpful or insightful please don't forget to upvote and follow for more tips on how to be an utter douchebag.

Disclaimer: This is a satirical post simply to 'out' or 'name and shame' @okean123 for plagiarising meaningless spam and getting paid a sizeable reward on 2 occasions.

The rest is up to you, relevant whales...

@steemcleaners @cheetahbot @blocktrades @bue @berniesanders @dan @ned @rainman etc.