RE: Welcome to AI World

It’s quite amazing how quickly AI has come so far. It’s almost as if in 2023 it’s exponentially increased. Is it because that’s the case, or have consumers just finally sat up and taken notice. I know that ChatGP and OpenAI have help push its cause along, but in reality, AI has been around for a long long time. Any game developer has been building AI into their games for decades.

Perhaps it’s the generative side to AI that’s really sprouted this year. There still seem to be a lot of bugs with it - I can never get it to do what I want, but it looks like you may have mastered the Photoshop capabilities well.

As a teacher, we’re now walking the fine line of deciding whether to let’s students use it at all, and learning ourselves, how to teach students ethical practices in using AI and how to correctly reference work you’ve taken from any generative AI tool. There are some good ones out there, as you’ve clearly shown in your post, but using them correctly and at the right time, like everything, requires some training.

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