I Don't Just Sit On Logs And Smoke With My GSD

Hello again fellow pipers. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying some nice weather. Here in England still under the grey clouds but hoping for some sunshine soon. So yes, below you might see a photo of me enjoying a bowl of Century Black Cherry in my Henryk Worobiec 144 pipe with my GSD! Great day but going to now mention some things I think about when smoking my pipe and show off a couple of photos from my Black and White Collection. Yes I do enjoy taking photos from time to time.


Lot's of thoughts come to my mind when I light up my pipe, from the surroundings that I'm in to the vastness of our universe! Big fan of Alan Watts & Carl Sagan.. 'are we just living in a dream' When you think about our existence it is pretty mind boggling and this is something I do think about a lot and have talked about in some of my videos, will share more soon. So here is a few photos of the Black and White photography that I shoot.

Delving Deeper


Aged Through Time

Hope you enjoyed looking at some of my work and I am always working on my skills when it comes to shooting in Black and White. Well, that is it from me and thank you for taking the time to read this post, your support is always appreciated.

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