Simplified Communication

"The best way to conquer an over-communicated society like today's is to over-simplify the message." Al Ríes

Hello community, greetings to all, I hope you had a great weekend and that this week is very good. We are in a moment in which communication comes and goes, in quantities that never existed before, that is to say, to be able to be aware of everything that happens is practically impossible, even dedicating the whole day to it we could not absorb all the information that arises daily.

For this reason, communication has been simplified in all areas of human development. It is increasingly difficult for people to read books, much less if they are literary classics. Those movies that used to last up to two or three hours are becoming less and less frequent. Everything has become shorter.


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The lyrics are getting more and more basic, and some are even grotesque, so everything has changed. Some things for the better, others not so much. But we have to adapt to the changes.

But, in order to have a greater impact on the mass of the population, we have to simplify even more. Previously technology took up more space, it was slower, if we compare it with the present, we will know that there has been a radical change in this aspect, currently the technological devices are much smaller but much faster and more efficient.

his aspect of simplifying everything, has its pros and cons, and it will depend on what is pursued. On the one hand, if we analyze from the point of view of the development of the social mentality, to a certain extent, the fact that we read less and less has an impact on the fact that there will be less capacity for analysis, at least I think so, because it is well known that the more we read, the more we will have the possibility to establish comparisons and reach better conclusions, I imagine that on this point you agree with me.



Being able to have the ability to simplify messages, for those who want to reach the masses, makes it easier to get what they are looking for, this is potentially important in all those who are dedicated to marketing and any area related to advertising and marketing. Without the ability to simplify messages, people objectives will simply not want to spend a lot of time to understand something.

So, I do not criticize the current reality with the over-simplification of messages, because finally they respond to a social context, or I could also say that the context is the result of all this.

I would like to know what you think about it, you can leave your thoughts about it in the comments.

Thank you very much for reading my post.


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