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The graphic image in marketing.

Almost all of the information that the brain processes is visual and it does it at a speed that triples the speed it does when it is only text, so that this organ is able to store twice as much information when it is visual as when it is textual. Consumers are saturated with very long texts with too much information, that is why when the marketer relies on the image as a vital resource to be remembered by their customers or close clients, they obtain a high performance in the distribution of their content and an additional key to be remembered as a brand.


There are some decisive advantages when using the visual graphic image in today's marketing content, of course you should never forget that it must be accompanied by quality content, it will serve as a great support and will offer the following added value:

Attaching appropriate graphic images offers the opportunity to generate and also increase traffic through digital spaces, especially when used in social networks where this element is vital as is Instagram, with a good image optimizes the undisputed power of the content. On the other hand, thanks to visual resources such as images, videos, infographics or GIFs, the reproduction of "leads" to the web, social network or blog that is used can be expanded.

Visual content narrows and optimizes the relationship with followers, can make the content go viral more quickly and even when it comes to social networks can double the number of followers, which generates greater appeal for the product offered.

For this aspect when using images, they must be very well located with their respective tags well related in such a way that they generate an optimal exchange network and even position the product in the market. When search optimization is achieved, a giant step is taken in all marketing tools, success is guaranteed.

Visual content is a powerful strategy to achieve recognition and even acceptance of a brand. This implies having a referential logo that makes the most direct identification through the visual field and the brain, which is why this logo should always be included in all images, it can be a logo or an appropriate referential image, which serves as a neuro transmitter link and is part of the memory in the brain of those who observe it, in addition to creating the necessary conjugation to contribute depending on the social network, the website that is used. More content and image if it is for Facebook for example, much more quantity of image if it is for Instagram or Pinterest, but always with the appropriate identification of the brand.

Nowadays there is a storm of information that is difficult to digest, delaying the purchase decision. Therefore, simplifying the consumer's view adds quality to the time to market process, and the visual graphic image is a good resource to achieve this.