Digital Marketing Trends for 2021-2022




Resize the content, the content must contribute more emotional value and meaning to the consumer and offer insightful and constant useful information: how, where, what or why will always be the logical and appropriate questions to assess whether the content is remarkable obtaining the objective for which it was developed, however, these questions should be added a little more feeling, it is not just how or where, but also must specify the sensory characteristics of the where, the factors involved or can modify the how. This is an exercise of creativity of the creator of marketing to become closer to the user, this element is vital in the new era of marketing.

The most common social networks, almost all with Facebook as leader, are a significant attraction of conversions when linked to ecommerce products. It can be taken as an interesting sequence for promotional expansion, besides being a very easy to use feed back channel, which would bring the customer closer to the company and enterprise and could lead to direct conversations, it would stop being a cold connection to give warmth and humanity appropriate to the products offered.

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The individualization of content is a tactic used for some years and despite having had detractors or those who think that privacy is an element that should govern everything, has managed to penetrate the market with highly positive results. Optimizing the ROI due to the impact it executes on those who receive it, ensuring a prosperous exchange, given that personalized advertisements are a rare and surprising innovation for users, elements that should be used to improve communication with consumers in companies or enterprises. In addition, the new trend is to invite the user to say what he likes, to communicate his preferences and to generate content himself.


Limited edition items are an alternative offered by companies when they are not convinced if the change in the product attributes is going to work. The consumer will have a few days to experience it and give their approval on it, this strategy is attractive to the buyer, it is an opportunity to establish direct contact with the quality of what is offered and with the valid experience of those who tried it, this is a resource that leads to modernity and will certainly become more popular in 2022 given the transformations that the global market has undergone.

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