Splinterlands BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Featuring Unproctected in Bronze League


Featuring Bronze League Summoner and Monsters in Action!

I'm back this week with another battle mage secrets post featuring unbroken in Brunswick play. This was a great battle for me as I was able to try out a new combination of crash wanderford and Ferexian hero. This turned out to be a great combination, and I really understand finally how to get bloodlust triggered on Krash

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RULESET: Unprotected


All armor is removed from units and one cannot gain armor.

Shield and Divine Shield are unaffected.

Reasons Why I like it

This really changes a lot of games. Removing all armor helps melee monsters and also can help magic monsters as void armor is no longer applicable and typically monsters that have void do not have high health. Given the rule set I chose to play melee heavy and try to secure knockouts on my opponent.

The Matchup - Where Rules Sets, Splinters and Mana Collide

The Rule Sets


Watch the Match Here


MANA: 28

Ruleset: Unprotected: All armor is removed from monsters and one cannot gain armor.

SPLINTERS: Fire, Death

Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts

  • Rulesets
    Given the rule sets and the splint is available I think it's going to be mainly focused and I wanted to go with fire since they are a typical melee powerhouse. Well death has some great lineups, most of the cards that I would consider using or probably higher mana.

  • Mana
    28 man I should allow for a robust team but not one fully loaded with all the biggest hitters. I think I can load a fairly balanced team but

  • Splinters
    Having only fire and death makes me believe this is going to be a fire focused battle.

  • Summoner ETERNAN BRUNE
    I wanted to be able to use a Gladius card so this was my only choice

  • First Position KRASH WANDERFORD
    It's high speed, and high health means that it might Fair extremely positively in a melee focused match. Getting a melee tech boost from the second card means that might be able to trigger bloodlust and add even more speed

  • Second Position FEREXIAN HERO
    The fact that it has reach and weapons training means that it will attack the tank card as well as allow crash Wonder Ford to also attack.

  • Third Position MORDEUS
    While very open to attack with its low mana, I'm hoping it gets a chance to attack first and knock out a card or two before being eliminated

  • Fourth Position LAVA SPIDER
    Decided to change it up here a little bit and move away from Ureas since there is no armor, and play lava spider since it has five health and might last longer against a sneak attack team

  • Fifth Position SCORCH FIEND
    Purely to pick up any of those sneak attacks that come first

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Opponent Lineup & Match Play

  • Summoner TARSA
    Classic play to give your team of melee boost since it's a melee focused match
    Well typically great, the loss of The armor does have an impact although it's bigger benefit is typically the shield
    Great choice, decent speed attack and health it makes it a well-balanced card for mana
    Fast attacking in heavy hitting this might become an issue for me luckily it won't be enough to take out Mordues been the first round
    The second sneak attack card means they're fairly well balanced and will be coming at the back of my lineup versus the front
    Actually a pretty solid play considering that the final card has taunt. This will allow them to keep my attacks focused elsewhere for a while
    Pretty solid choice here it's a decent speed which might cause a mess or two plus it has taunt which will attract all the opportunity and sneak monsters giving it a chance to keep the tank alive

Round 1


Before the match starts I kind of like where I am, I think I'll get to knock out their tank card in the first round, but I know I will be losing several of my own. Has the round starts off, I'm the the only two cars lost in the first round. Losing both scorch themed and lava spider exposed to back half of my lineup. The exceptional speed of wander Ford does generate a miss and things will be interesting in round two

Round 2


It's round two starts off with a bang, Wonder Ford gets its first knockout and bloodlust boosting its speed to 9 and it's damaged to three. Has the round continues to play out I am fortunate as all of my monsters attack first, and they all hit. As the things flip over to my opponent they're able to secure a knockout on Mordeus leaving me only two monsters. Since both of my monsters will be attacking the tank, and none of them will be taunted away I'm hoping it doesn't hurt me too much. It still looks like I end around with my two monsters versus their five.

Round 3


Round three starts off and my speed helps me secure another knockout as the combination of my two attacks knock out their tank moving them down to just four cards. My tremendous speed generates another mess this round which was a 60% chance favorite to miss, well the rest of their team finishes off the attacks things are looking decent

Round 4


My speed is devastating at the starter from as wonderful gets another knockout on the first turn giving it a melee speed and health boost. This now means that I'm an 80% chance to be missed, I then secure the second knockout from forexion leaving them only two monsters one of which will do damage. At this point the game is over and it's just a matter of getting through the iterations

Round 5


Clearly I'll go first in round five and secure yet another knockout, eliminating their only offensive card left. I do love the stats on wonder Ford as it gets boosted to five melee, 11 speed which is an amazing stat line.

Round 6


Around sex is my last and final round where I secure and lock up the victory, it was all just a formality.

Thoughts -

I really like the combination of Krash wonderful and forexion hero. This allows me to benefit from bloodlust and allows me to build stats to even a higher ratio. The exceptionally high speed means that it is very hard for slower melee monsters to hit. I will continue to play around with this strategy and see what other lineups I can create.



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