What's your favorite drink? Light's Comment Party

Hi, bees, drones, killer bees and queen bees!

I hope I find you in a great mood.

Here is the question for today:

What's your favorite drink?

Of course, could be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. No limits here!

Based on the best responses from the previous "round" I have decided to send HBI shares to @libertycrypto27 and @manoldonchev, cheers!

Wait! What is it all about?

I am running this initiative on HIVE with two main goals - to have fun and to (re)connect with more and many interesting people here who use HIVE as a web3 blogosphere.

Participation is easy - just comment under this post with what you think is the best/funniest/most surprising answer to the different questions I ask.

This initiative is work in progress and I will be rewarding the best answers I like with upvotes and HBI shares (hopefully increasing those rewards in numbers and types with time)

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I hope you find something useful below:

Buy my stock photos at Alamy: https://www.alamy.com/portfolio/112427.html

Buy my 1/1 exclusive NFTs on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/LightCaptured

Buy my stock photos at Adobe Stock: https://stock.adobe.com/contributor/206416265/lightcaptured

Follow me on Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@lightcaptured (Decentralized social network for my insta-type selected photographs and short posts)

Copyright: LightCaptured

Have a great day!

The divider I use in my posts and the caption image I have created in Adobe Express.

I have used a few HIVE graphical resources made by doze, thank you very mucg! Here are a few more of there resources that I like a lot, you could find more on the HIVE Discord server, in the HIVE RESOURCES --> hive-assets channel.







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