SUB Token! Get it now.


If you don't hang on my nice little corner of the internet then you'll not know about the Grand Sale of the Sub Token, done by our very own stick up boys. You can find the token here:

Who are the @stickupboys? Well, I'm sure I don't need to introduce them because the moment they met me 3-4 years ago they had already spread themselves like butter all over the communities of hive to see where the best places to hang out where, and the people to get to know. They've really measured themselves as an upstanding member of the hive community.

They even stuck through the bear market - which not many people tend to do. Usually newcomers see their assets dwindle to dust and disappear for those 2-3 forlorn years and go back to working at McDonalds -- an age old joke in the cryptosphere, that cryptobros are half time service workers.

But not Stickupboys, they've hung out with us in the Cave and been part of our inner workings throughout the bear market. Albeit tearing our hair out and trying to make ends meet. But we survived, and now we're onto greener pastures.

This is why we are investing in Sub token, because they've proved to me that they're in it for the long game, and that they wont just disappear at the slightest hint of trouble. Their token will mean as much to them as my tokens do to me -- and that's important in my view. Maybe even more important than the token itself.

A good team creates amazing utility, and an amazing team moves with the markets and restructures based on attitudes and behaviours. I believe Sub has all these qualities.

So what is their token? Well, there only will ever be 50,000 tokens minted. There will only ever be 50k. He's being very secretive about what he's planning to do with this token but so far we know that he is giving us 50% of the mechanical rights to his next music. That means for every 1000 SUB owned, you get a 1% share in the mechanical rights.

Cool huh? Have you ever owned a piece of rights to some music? Me neither! I want some.

Of course this token will be very different from the common tokens you see on hive-engine. So you won't be expecting to see gigantuous profits right away, or milking the state of the HP -- basically he will be powering it all up and using the profits to go for marketing his next piece of music.

So that means that you probably wont see profits right away. This one is a long term hold. And it wont track with the bull market either. You might even see some nice profits unexpectantly during the bear market which is an interesting concept! One thing is for certain is that he'll be able to leverage the bull market to create more revenue streams for marketing his music.

So right now we're buying his token to show support. And of course for the long term potential of owning such a token.

I'm quite bullish on this one!

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