Children, grand children of this man Pierre Mazeaud will be hunted down worldwide

a little warning... they are soon to be fugitives.

thank you for your considerations.

they believe that not only france belongs to them but OUR OWN BODIES, once they are killed and dead, we will see !

slave herders DIEZ !

look at those bastard and you tell me they don't deserve to be regime changed with their despots decoys?

fucking nigas !

I am wasting my time a looking for a picture of his family... @cia @mss @svr... maybe only @cia... the others... you have your "constrains"...

first step a new desk, above the new guy and of course the civilan... remember it's a social science project with the goal to try the effect of political revenge accross generation to purge the regime from the spawns of its destructors... without expermimental results, it has no empirical value. france is ruined, a fucking fiction, hiding behind a totally unappropriate UNO status in a totally derelict and mad organization the UNO...

I think we are oppressed west wide, the major problems for me is the lies.

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