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Divine expression 🌸

🌸 Everything which is divine in our world, everything we've been gifted with to use and enjoy during our journey through this physical realm is being attacked and destroyed by a virus. This virus is being spread through the minds of the weakest. These weak beings are enabling the destruction because to them it's promised to become powerful in this world.
These contaminated minds make their owner behave in a parasitic way. They don't realize they are destroying their host. They will keep going till the host is totally empty, totally disconnected from their heart.
🌸 Our heart is where we can hear our Soul talking to us. Our heart is where we feel empathy.
Our Soul is a light spark coming from the Source.


It contains the same information as the Source. It's like a seed that contains all the information needed to grow the whole plant or the whole tree.
We are never apart from the Source,
no matter how sick our mind gets.
But we become deaf to the voice that talks to us about Love.
🌸 It's when we return to Love we start to hear. Some people call it Christ consciousness.
It invites us to purify our thoughts, to choose wisely our deeds, to investigate our intentions.
We don't need to be perfect immediately, we need to structurally keep healing our minds.
We need to clean our bodies and detach from parasitic ideas. The less "dirt" is in us the more light we can contain.


We are made from light and as we go through life we are polluting ourselves to the point where we can't feel. We become numb to our own pain and pain of others. This leads to a society fully disconnected from each other. This disconnection enables us to become perverted, rude, violent, and narcissistic. Because we are programmed to only care for short-term stimuli and pleasures. We do just about anything to grab whatever we feel we need.
This is not the divine human design.
This is not us. This is parasites running the show.
🌸 If you want to take back your power you need to do everything possible to hear your Soul again. Your Soul knows what you want, where you want to go, how you want to live, and is guiding you towards the best and most enriching experiences.
Because we are here to expand and the expansion can be reached through an experience of contrast. Whenever we realize there is something we don't want in our lives, we can choose to experience the opposite of it. We move from the unwanted to the desired. This journey teaches us how we can move through different vibrations and how these vibrations respond to those we send out. It shows us our own responsibility in the story of our collective. We create and re-create this world from the music we are playing.
The Source merely responds. It is teaching us what is Love and what isn't.


🌸 We've been gifted free will to ensure that our Journey is expanding us and thus it is expanding the Source itself.
We are here to evolve above anything that isn't the Truth. Step by step through our lives we are shedding everything that isn't serving us and the collective.
We are finding ourselves in the time and space of a great awakening because now we are finally seeing again. Looking at the darkness makes us choose the Light.
It makes us return to the Source as loving light beings.
We are the perfect Divine expression.

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