Part 7 of the series on my Spacetime Expansion Hypothesis

In this part I am beginning to have some concept of possible applications for the hypothesis about the Electron Fog. I have not completely finished figuring out how to build a possible electrically driven mechanical impulse engine, but I am getting pretty close to some testable devices.


Continuing along the line of demonstrating the explanatory power of this model, considering especially new disoveries with relevance, and perhaps making predictions...

On that last note, I read recently that a new, supposedly impossible material to make has been perfected. Nanoporous magnesium hydroxide? Or was it carbonate. I don't know the exact details of the production process, but this material, called Upsalite, after the city where it was developed, Uppsala, has the highest volume to surface ratio of any material made to date.

Being made of Magnesium salts primarily, it is quite but not extremely water absorbent. With its surface dramatically increased, it is now the most water absorbent material by weight. This gives it some very interesting applications, being polar, it can hold drug molecules and slowly release them in the intestines, as magnesium takes some 18 to 24 hours to be broken down in this environment.

But what interests me about this is the principle.

What if a similarly large surface could be applied to the outside of an object, lets say, a space vehicle or probe, with very good capacitative properties. The reason why supercapacitors interest me is because they use fine granular carbon to accumulate electrostatic charge, and thus store an incredible amount of electrons, bordering not too far from primitive salt based batteries, except charging them is virtually instantaneous.

Obviously first off a carbon form like Upsalite would probably boost this dramatically further. But there is a special type of capacitor invented by Thomas Townsend-Brown called the asymmetric capacitor. I have drawn a diagram to illustrate. Obviously also symmetric capacitors also exist made by sandwiching the conductor and electrostatic material and rolling it into a cylinder. The supercapacitors use a pair of layers of fine carbon separated by a fine membrane which can be plastic or glass.

The asymmetric capacitor is the foundation of the ion drive.

It essentially is loaded with electrons, and because of the way that they flow once the electrostatic material is saturated, (my model used to explain) it causes a distortion of the neutral electron fog, pushing it away from the discharging capacitor. Initially it was thought that this required matter [argon or so] to provide propulsion, it has now been found that an essentially fuelless craft could be made, with a small nuclear reactor to provide electron flow. [More recent research into Ion Drives has determined that the transient matter that appears out of vacuum is sufficient to allow this to create propulsion.]

If this capacitor was instead made according to the principles of the supercapacitor, with a form of carbon like Upsalite structure, this would probably put the fuelless ion drive above existing ones that use fuel.

If you are following my line of reasoning, you can see that this is getting extraordinarily close to a viable space travel engine. Still nothing that gets you on and off planets, however.

Which leads me to a question. What if you could do something with magnetic fields that caused a structuring of the electron fog that has the same jet-like geometry as the asymmetric capacitor?

Static magnetic fields of themselves do not cause changes in inertia, but when moved, interact with ferromagnetics to transfer force, into electric current.

By alternating the polarity of an electromagnet you create so called electromagnetic waves. Essentially as they flip they create small electromagnetic field toroids that having north to north and south to south push each other further away, and with an antenna coupled to a radio resonator circuit, you can receive the pulses, and thereby encode a signal in a pattern of phase alternation. [Radio signals]

So it is possible to induce magnetic poles to travel through space, a good visual metaphor is a smoke ring. This motion pattern is universal, the wheels of a car twist the electron fog below the vehicle, the strong common centre between the vehicle and the earth us disrupted toeards the back, and the reverse happens at the upper part of the vehicle, causing you to sink into the seat.

A rocket does this by pushing a stream of expanding gas in a focused stream backwards, again causing this toroidal shape, and shifting the electron fog to the opposite side of the motion of travel, and above the engine, the reverse occurs, causing you again to sink into the seat. The front toroid is smaller than the rear, and thus you get acceleration. The rear toroids move away from the centre of mass, the front sits just behind it.

Acceleration, the change of inerria, causes the electron fog to rotate in toroidal patterns. This shifts the fog back and decreases the repulsion against space. I know I am repeating many examples of this pattern but I am trying to show that in all cases, the same thing is happening, no matter the mechanism. The thing that I am driving towards is that generating this pattern, is the key. How you do it does not matter. But there is big differences in how expensive it is.

The thing is, that the electron fog is itself energy, it is what pins together the matter against the expansion of space. Changing the shape to induce the toroid should be possible to do with nearly no energy, catalaytically. And furthermore, there is ample available electromagnetic field fluctuations everywhere, these should provide enough to induce the alteration of the geometry of the electron fog.

The Impulse Coil

I really need to find a good name for the coil. Something like Moebius Coil or Torus Coil. But for now I will just call it The Coil. [I have revised this to Impulse Coil and I have a more detailed model of how it might work now. Here I am riffing from the Scavenger Coil.]

The Coil is in itself a five phase torus. The outer has one polarity, the inner is opposite. In itself if just simply charged with a DC current, it would have unusual properties. I suspect it would capture and suspend ferromagnetic objects in the center because the outer and inner fields are opposite and should cause a region in the center where a stable pole exists in one direction, like a bubble with the outer opposite.

This brings me to something I keep forgetting. Opposed, like magnetic fields when paired produce a repulsion effect. According to my spacetime expansion model, this must be from a region of space where the electron fog is broken, so when magnetic flux lines collide, they create a temporary breach where they meet, a nano thin sliver of expanding pure space. The lateral direction is equal because the electron fog is not disrupted.

So this gives a hint at how to induce the disruption of the electron fog in the direction you want to travel: by a properly shaped magnetic field composed of like poles, somehow. [It is about the scale of this disruption, I go into more detail about this later, and you can find an article newer than these ones further down on my Steem blog feed.]

Now, going back to the radio waves as repelling magnetic dipoles, flipping an electromagnet's polarity in itself is not enough. We are not trying to send radio signals, rather, we are trying to bend the shape of the electron fog. We know that, via the unipolar motor, that putting current through a permanent magnet causes torque, rotational acceleration. It should be obvious this is possible by the fact a magnetic field is a torus with a 180 rotation between poles, thus by pushing electrons through it, like a turbine, exactly, it spins.

Torque is the simplest type of motion. To achieve linear acceleration you need two twists happening together, exerting friction on the point between. [I have called this, later, the Universal Principle of Linear Acceleration.]

A wheeled vehicle does this by using the inertia of the earth, though it is too small to be perceptible we are in this inducing torque on the planet. Thus linear motion.

When a jet of expanding gas emits from a narrow aperture, as it travels through the air it induces the three dimensional version, a torus. The rocket literally climbs by pushing the air so hard it gets traction, and this allows it to exert an excess of acceleration to counter that caused by the electron fog trying to miminise pressure and maintain the coherence of matter by merging with that of the earth.

So, no real breakthrough in this part, just a thorough illustration of the electron fog and its role in gravity, inertia and acceleration.

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