The Usefulness of Physical Strength

Strength is a defining attribute of masculinity. It’s the power that has allowed generations of men to protect and provide for their families. It’s the force that built our skyscrapers, roads, and bridges. While our current environment doesn't require us to be strong, developing our physical strength is still a worthwhile pursuit, because it lays a foundation for developing a better you.

The large majority of men today, though they may be “going to the gym” or doing some physical activity on a regular basis, don’t bother lifting weights or even considering getting physically stronger. The ideal of strength is something greatly debated and has somehow changed overtime. Without workouts and a steady source of protein, cavemen were pretty meager. Spartan warriors were ripped. Our great-grandfathers often had the build that comes from manual labor. Today, unless you are an athlete, professional or not, lifting weights to become strong isn’t much of an obligation. Being strong today is a “nice to have” while in the earlier times it was a “must to survive”. Thus, it is somewhat understandable that most men do not take much time getting strong, but most do not know what they are missing.

Some may believe it is a boring activity, or think they can have a better use of their time doing a sport, or they just don’t like the crowd in those gyms. Whatever the reason and contrary to what most think, lifting iron has many benefits. Looking simply better naked or feeling physically stronger has psychologically positive impact. Lifting weights with a goal in mind and seeing progress day after day is a tremendously good feeling that also teaches you that nothing good comes without a certain amount of pain, which is true in everything that applies to life. “No pain, no gain” to say the least or as Arnold Schwarzenegger says, “the resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.” Learning about what you are really made of is always time well spent.

Today, some men focus on size and seek a bodybuilding physique, while others don’t care much about getting big and concentrate instead on simple functional strength. Whatever your motivation, being strong is something that gives you self- respect, self-esteem and that is socially applauded. Let’s be honest though, not every man has the physiological make-up to get huge and ripped. But every man can become stronger than he is now. Whatever your other interests, no matter your build, if you want to feel your most virile, you need to get acquainted with the iron. Strive today to become stronger than you were yesterday. I promise as you do so, you’ll see a transformation not only in your body, but also your mind and spirit.

Have a good iron day!

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