Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #459 - by Allmonitors

#459 - Having fun somewhere on top of a mountain.

Happy Saturday evening my fellow Hiveans. Earlier we were able to go back to the University of the Philippines for a quick walk before six in the morning. The wife and son were with me and we covered atleast six kilometers of distance and thankfully it didn't rain while we were walking but the road was wet when we got there.

Today, kindly allow me to share these shots when we arrived on a mountain top and then we did some fooling around while resting. Our guide said we could jump around and take photos while the sun is rising hence these shots.😁 This first one shows the wife doing a high kick of the ground. The clouds were present as the time and so as the fog hogging the base of the surrounding mountains.

Then she did another pose as she jumps mid air. The temperature at this time was still cold but starting to get warmer as the sun is gradually revealed.

There were three of us that day and one of us is a friend of my wife at the gym and she wanted to join with our mountain expedition. She also participated with the jumping around and below were the shots I took.😄 We were all having fun that time and forgot all the work stuff. I hope we could go back once again to this mountain area which is just outside the Metro and only less than an hour away of drive of we have to leave around four in the morning.


Follow me on my nature travels.
Shot taken in Montalban, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex

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