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My Russian travel #2 - Smolensk National Park


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Photo by voiceoff.


In those three days we stayed in a small tourist village nestled in the forest. Thick forests that do not let the sun's rays pass but sometimes open in huge clearings.In quei tre giorni abbiamo soggiornato in un piccolo villaggio turistico immerso nella foresta. Foreste fitte che non lasciano passare i raggi del sole ma talvolta si aprono in enormi radure.
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Photos by voiceoff.


The park develops around an important system of lakes, some of which are also quite large. Sometimes you can look on them from the surrounding hills, where the forest permits.Il parco si sviluppa attorno a un importante sistema di laghi, alcuni anche di discreta grandezza. Qualche volta è possibile affacciarsi su di essi dalle colline circostanti, se la foresta lo permette.
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Photos by voiceoff.


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