Do you dab??

Cannabis extracts, for many, are the best source of cannabinoids. Without the excess plant matter, which many people don't enjoy smoking anyway, all that remains is a profile of phytocannabinoid resins, mostly in acid form such as THCA. Depending on the extraction process, there will usually also be terpenes and flavinoids, other organic compounds from the plant that affect the aroma and taste of the dab. Each strain is different, and each extraction process is different too, meaning there's a wide variety of dabs out there!


We've always done this as patients ourselves, at VantoCan. Very discerning patients!

We only use organic top shelf cannabis from trusted 'underground' growers. We don't use trim or small nugs - it just isn't worth it if you want top notch medicine. We like it top notch EVERY TIME.

Originally, we intended to share our expertise with other Canadians once legalization made that possible. Of course, we now know that legalization is just monopolization... and that extracts will be illegal. We're currently regrouping and considering our future options.

Keep that rig hot, and...

Dabs away!!!


(Photo by VantoCan Extracts. 200mg dab of Grape Godess bho.)

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